Unpopular opinion: Biden pulling out of Afghanistan isn’t a sign of weakness.

Aug 9, 2022


June 16, 2021, at the Villa La Grange in Geneva. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

It’s a sign of strength.

Afghanistan was a mistake, and it had to be ended, but no one had the courage to do it because they were too worried about looking weak. Here’s the thing, not doing something out of fear isn’t strength, it’s weakness. Acting without worrying about your reputation is a sign of strength of character and conviction.

Interpreting it as weakness is not just wrong, it’s foolish. If Putin thought Biden would fold on Ukraine because he was weak, well he’s learned he was wrong the hard way. Biden has been unrelenting and unwavering in his support of Ukraine, he has in short shown strength of character and conviction. Which pulling out of Afghanistan showed, if people had been paying attention.



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