New word: aborticrit

2 min readOct 5, 2022

Type: portmanteau: a mashup of abortion and hypocrite. Dropping the ‘e’, because it isn’t needed.

Definition: a person who talks the anti-abortion talk, but walks the abortion walk. Someone who proselytizes their bone-fides as a true believer in the evil of abortion — but cajole their wives, mistresses, girlfriends, and daughters into having abortions, or facilitate their abortions, or have abortions themselves.

Because their circumstances are special.

The congressman who votes against abortion, but has his mistress or girlfriend (or even wife) get an abortion. You might be thinking of the guy running for the Senate who is in the news now, but how about the guy a couple months ago who is in the House? Or maybe it was that other guy, it’s so hard to keep track.

Or the Congresswoman who votes and speaks out against abortion, who herself had one years ago. Like all the women speaking out against abortion, while “conveniently” never mentioning they had one.

Or the woman who stood on the protest line outside a clinic yesterday, takes her daughter in today, and will be back on the line tomorrow.

Their hypocrisy comes into play when they try to justify their abortion with “but my situation is special”, while denying that anyone else’s situation is special. They are all abortocrits.

How can the word “abortocrit’ be used? In attacks on abort0crits running for office. To undermine the credibility of abortocrits speaking against abortion. To demonstrate that every abortocrit’s “special reason” is a reason other women have as well. There’s nothing special about abortocrit’s justifications for their abortions. The only thing special is the hubris they demonstrate by thinking they are special. Their sin is the sin of all hypocrites, pride, which only shows that their hypocrisy is no more special than any other hypocrites. No matter what they think.

