How Republican elites hornswoggle poor and middle class folk into voting for them
The dirty little secret of American society, all societies actually, is that most people don’t matter. There’s a few people at the top that matter. But most people? They, we, are irrelevant. Society doesn’t care, schools don’t care, government doesn’t care, cops and judges sure don’t care. No one cares, no one will ever care, no one has ever cared.
Live and die, do your thing, just don’t draw any attention because if you do, you’ll get slapped down. Get the justice systems attention and it’ll crush you just as certain as it will anyone. So keep your head down, do your job, shut up and don’t complain.
This is what Republican elites take advantage of, this feeling of not mattering. Most people don’t matter, but most people would like to. Most of us would like to feel like we matter, like someone cares, for someone to notice us and tell us we matter in some small way. Which is what the Republican elites do. They pay attention and they whisper sweet nothings in the our ears.
They’re like some desperate pick-up artist, sidling up to you in a bar. “Aren’t you just the hardest working, red-blooded, god-fearing, patriot I’ve ever laid eyes on.” Just listen to them speaking. Every speech you’ll hear it, more than once even, “hard working Americans”, “hard working patriots”, over and over and over. Attention, pretty sentiments, no payoff. “Here’s a tax break” — that’s not a tax break. Your paychecks get a little bigger, and your return a lot smaller. What do they get? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions. Nothing or peanuts for you, years worth of your income for them. Sweet nothings from them that get us BOHICA and line their pockets when we fall for it.
“Don’t forget to vote Republican!” they say when they’re done. In a pig’s eye. Take your “hard working patriot” BS and shove it. I’ve already voted, and it wasn’t for the Trump boot-licking, false-promise making, out for themselves and screw everyone else crew, it was for the other guys, because the only way the Republican party fixes itself is if it gets a curb stomping in an election. This election.
The best way to make that happen is to do what Republicans who worked for Reagan, and Bush, and Bush, and Trump are saying and vote for Harris, and then vote for the Democrats up and down the ticket, in every contest, from school board to governor. Only if Republicans lose big and the present Republican elites get sent packing can party reform happen, and that means kicking the bums, all them Republican bums, out.
If you can’t bring yourself to vote for Democrats, you have two more options. First, Vote for the other other guys. Pick the libertarians or another party and vote for them in protest against the Republican elites. If in a particular contest you only have a choice between Republicans and Democrats, then skip that race and leave that part of the ballot blank.
Or second, just stay home. Skip this election. Send your message by not showing up.
But it would be better to vote, and vote against Trump, his cronies, and the Republican elites who’ve sold themselves and the Republican party out to him. That way you’re the one taking action and responsibility rather than hoping other people do the job for you.